Why Are Brand Designers Applying to Printer Shops for Jobs?

In a recent survey by frustrated visual identity and brand designers at lorem ipsum, it was found that they wish to get recruited by printer shops!!!

But first, who the hell are Visual Identity Designers?

  • Visual Identity Designers are the ones who take responsibility for your brand to make it core strong at all the visual levels. They are usually found on the chairs because they don’t get the time to sleep.

Secondly, why do they wish to apply for jobs at Printer Shops?

  • Well, looking at the current situation where all the businesses opt for branding makes them the happiest, but the fact that printer shops get more logo and brand design projects and/or clients might kill them with overthinking! Keeping their passion burning, they are finally deciding to get hired by printer shops over freelancing, or in fact, companies and agencies.

We know all you keep in mind is your crush but here’s an important fact:

  • Sarcasm is fun until you realize there’s something meaningful hidden in it. In this article, neither we are against any printer shops or clients nor do we wish to offend them. We just want to clarify that we, the brand and visual identity designers, are meant for branding; it is our job.

You wouldn’t trust anybody with your Tinder profile, right? Shouldn’t it be the same for branding?  

5 Reasons Behind Brand and Visual Identity Designer’s Frustration

It is not a hidden fact how important brand identity is in today’s digital era. Every business wishes to invest in it because it gives the business a lift, recognition, and ultimately revenue and profit.

Also, it is to be noted that frustration is all professional and nothing’s there to hold a grudge.

1- Money Island

Businesses go to printer shops so that they can save money, Printer shops agree to make logos and do cheap branding so that they can make some extra money. Ugh, the chronology of Money! But who is the one at the loss? You might be thinking of designers, but no, it’s the business. Printer shops make some extra money, businessmen are cutting costs on their branding, designers are crying over money, but it is the business that suffers. 

2- Designer creates, Printer shops duplicate

Let’s be honest. Can branding be done in 20-30 minutes? It takes a lot of ideation, thought process, time, discussion, depression, laziness, naps, sleepless nights, procrastination, and yes exaggeration (Facts only). But all these are really possible by a printer shop that does all the branding in hardly 30 minutes?

How will it feel when you see every second business has the same branding theme? Copy-pasting the logo from the internet is not branding.

Think yourself, we have to be friendly to them, but give it a thought.

3- An eye for an eye

A visual identity designer has the vision in mind; even when they close their eyes, they can brainstorm on over 100 of ideas but, printer shops won’t be able to do it because when their eyes are closed, they might make mistakes in copying & pasting the already published logo templates. OOPS!

4- Right thought, Wrong place

Branding isn’t a joke, but branding done by a printer shop is. And that too is a lame one.

You are on the right track when you wish to invest in your business branding, but Printer Shop is the wrong place!

TOP 3 places where most of the changes happen across the world:

3- Trial Rooms

2- In your ex’s life

1- In a Branding Project

Of course, creating something creative and unique from the scrap isn’t a piece of cake for everyone, but we, the visual identity designers, are meant for this job. Yes, changes can be frustrating, but not getting the projects you were meant to do is even more frustrating.

By the way, imagine getting your business branding done by a printer shop, But still your business isn’t scaling up. Hurts, no?

5- Nothing’s new for stalking; should we call 911 for help?

Have you ever seen a graphic/brand/ visual identity designer stop by a branding project done by a printer shop and take inspiration for their new projects? The most basic difference between a visual identity designer and a print shop is that visual identity designers steal like an artists whereas Printer shops steal from the artists which often tend to be the past work of some designers. Not getting the right branding done isn’t a national level crime, so please don’t call 911. Call visual identity designers instead; they’ll help (my number is given below).


Sorry if we were mean throughout the article, but we just wanted to

  • clarify that printer shops are best at printing (cards, t-shirts, etc etc)
  • Take out the frustration because we need work and we work hard to upscale a business branding game.


When branding is done right, it is scalable, creative, attracts a larger audience, brings more business, and most importantly, it doesn’t lack its capability to stand out in this cut-throat competition where many businesses just collapse.

If you are looking for a visual identity designer who is pocket friendly and skilled, come let’s talk at:

Website: https://lazydzignr.in/

Whatsapp: +91 7567171129
Name: Yukktesh adwani

Let’s get your branding done the way your business deserves.

Article written by Shivani Mishra @crack.ad


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