Interview with Advocate Naveen Sheokand: Championing Justice and Innovation

Q. Can you introduce yourself and your background in the legal field?
A. My name is Naveen Sheokand, and I am the Managing Partner of Sheokand Legal. I am a first-generation lawyer with an LLB and I am enrolled with the Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana. My journey in the legal profession has been driven by a passion for justice and ethical integrity. I specialize in civil, criminal, corporate, and constitutional law, with a particular focus on consumer court cases.

Q. What motivated you to pursue a career in law, and what key principles drive your work?
A. The desire to make a difference and ensure justice for all motivated me to pursue a career in law. My guiding principles are simple: uphold ethical integrity, strive for excellence, and remain resilient in the face of challenges. These principles have been the cornerstone of my practice and have driven me to continuously improve and innovate in the legal field.

Q. Can you share some of your notable achievements and landmark cases?
A. One of the most significant victories in my career was a landmark case against the major company DLF. This win not only catapulted my career but also established my reputation as a formidable legal force. It opened the door for numerous cases against other builders, further solidifying the prominence of Sheokand Legal.

Q. How do you incorporate technology and innovation into your legal practice?
A. At Sheokand Legal, we prioritize the incorporation of technology and innovative methodologies. We use digital tools for case management, legal research, and client communication. This modern approach ensures efficiency and effectiveness in handling complex legal issues. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, we are able to provide better service to our clients and stay ahead in the ever-evolving legal landscape.

Q. What challenges have you faced in your career, and how have you overcome them?
A. As a first-generation lawyer, one of the biggest challenges was establishing myself in a competitive field. Resilience and a commitment to excellence helped me overcome initial hurdles. Each case, especially the high-profile ones, came with its own set of challenges. Strategic thinking, meticulous case handling, and a strong ethical foundation have been key to navigating these challenges successfully.

Q. What is your vision for the future of Sheokand Legal and the legal profession as a whole?
A. My vision for Sheokand Legal is to continue setting benchmarks for contemporary legal practice through innovation and a client-focused approach. I aim to expand our services and influence in legal reforms and policy-making. For the legal profession as a whole, I envision a future where technology plays a pivotal role in ensuring justice is accessible to all, and where ethical integrity and excellence are the standards.

Q. What advice would you offer to aspiring lawyers?
A. My advice to aspiring lawyers is to remain passionate, uphold ethical integrity, and be resilient. The path to success in law is challenging but immensely rewarding. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial. Remember that your primary goal is to serve justice and make a positive impact on society.

Advocate Naveen Sheokand’s journey is a testament to the power of passion, integrity, and innovation in achieving remarkable success in the legal field. His contributions to legal practice, reforms, and social justice are an inspiration to aspiring lawyers and a beacon of excellence for the legal community. For those seeking top-tier legal representation in Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh, Advocate Sheokand stands out as a trusted and dedicated professional.


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