Interview with Debraj Das: Bridging Gaps and Transforming Lives

In the fast-paced world of business and training, Debraj Das has emerged as a beacon of innovation and dedication. Hailing from a tier-2 city and climbing the ranks to establish himself in Mumbai, Debraj’s journey is a testament to hard work, resilience, and a passion for bridging gaps in the professional world. In this exclusive interview, Debraj shares his inspiring journey, the challenges he faced, and his vision for the future.

Q: What is your name, and please tell me about your personal journey. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

A: I’m Debraj Das. My journey began in 2002 when I moved from a tier-2 city to secure a job in Mumbai. Initially, I felt that my peers from larger cities were far ahead of me. However, I soon realized that their greater exposure didn’t necessarily translate to superior abilities. Within two years, the exposure and experience I gained in Mumbai enabled me to become equally confident and proficient, often surpassing my counterparts. This experience instilled in me a drive to work harder, giving me an edge over those from larger cities.

My background inspired me to bridge the gap for others. I noticed that even graduates from prestigious B-Schools often felt lost in their first jobs, and this was even more pronounced for graduates from tier-2 or tier-3 B-Schools. Witnessing these challenges motivated me to take the plunge and address these disparities, leading to my entrepreneurial journey.

Q: What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business, and how did you overcome them?

A: Entering the training industry without any prior experience was a significant challenge, as my entire career had been in sales. My vision was to create a training delivery system that could be effectively distributed across India while remaining affordable. The only feasible way to achieve this was through technology, despite my lack of a technology background.

This was a pivotal moment where I had to quickly acquire knowledge in both training and technology. One crucial factor in my success was my willingness to seek help. I reached out to friends, former colleagues, and even sought assistance on LinkedIn. Support came from various sources, enabling me to learn rapidly and implement my vision. This collaborative approach was key to overcoming initial obstacles and achieving our goals.

Q: What key market trends do you think will shape your industry in the coming years?

A: According to a recent McKinsey report, an increasing number of students now prefer online learning. With the rapid and frequent changes in today’s world, online training has become the only viable way to keep pace with new developments. The primary challenge lies in designing and delivering these training programs in innovative and effective ways. Embracing this trend and continually improving our online offerings will be crucial for staying relevant and impactful.

Q: Can you share a story of how your product or service has significantly impacted a customer or client?

A: Certainly. One of our clients had established a bootstrapped company with a team of 200 field staff spread across three states and 40 locations. The field staff, having only completed their 12th grade, understood only the local language. Initially, the plan was to hire three trainers proficient in these local languages, train them on the company’s products and processes, and then send them to the 40 locations to train the field staff. This approach faced significant challenges, including execution time and a high attrition rate of 15% per month among the field staff.

We developed a multilingual training program within a month, making it adaptive and functional. We hosted the program on our app and launched it within 45 days. Today, induction training, periodic training, and real-time evaluation of understanding are conducted seamlessly. This approach not only reduced costs significantly but also ensured uniform training across all locations, making a substantial impact on the client’s operations and efficiency.

Q: What are your personal and professional goals for the future?

A: My personal goal is to start farming and sustain myself by eating only what I can grow. I plan to move to a village where I can pursue this lifestyle. Additionally, I wish to establish an elementary school in the village to contribute to the local community. Professionally, my goal is to make a difference in the lives of at least 1% of the nation’s youth by helping them become economically productive. This dual focus on personal sustainability and professional impact drives my future ambitions.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers that we haven’t covered?

A: Yes, I would like to appeal to the corporate world to help bring about an attitudinal transformation in the youth regarding the sales function. I encounter many young individuals who are wary of pursuing sales as a profession. However, sales is not just a profession; it is a comprehensive life skill that individuals naturally begin developing from birth, such as when a baby “sells” its cry to receive milk and attention.

Every role, from HR to finance to marketing, involves an element of sales. Recruiters sell the company’s profile to candidates, finance professionals sell their budgeting ideas to departments, and marketing teams sell products and concepts to the public. The fear surrounding “targets” often deters youth from considering sales roles. However, this function remains beyond the reach of Artificial Intelligence and firmly within the realm of human natural intelligence. By rethinking our approach and educating young people on the true nature and value of sales, we can dispel these fears and encourage more to embrace this vital skill.


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